I Am In My 40s. Do I Need Financial Advice?

Parents are getting older• Parents need to look at aged care; I don’t know where to start?• I’d like to help talking to my parents about their wills, I’m worried the arrangements they have in place aren’t optimal!• It’s likely I’m going to inherit a serious amount, I’d like to plan now how that will work!

Giving Back• I’d like to find a charity to support.• I’m interested in setting up a charitable trust (private ancillary fund).• I’m interested in investing in social enterprise.Budgeting • Can’t get on top of credit card debt – help!• Don’t know how we are going to save enough money for a house deposit.• I earn good money but don’t seem to have much to show for it.• I earn good money by somehow can’t get ahead.• I want to travel more and need help budgeting so I can afford it.Property • Can we afford to renovate our house?• Should we renovate or sell our house?• We would like to buy a holiday house, and need to help organising finances.• We have an investment property; maybe we should have a share portfolio too?• We have a couple of investment properties, and need to sell one but not sure which.• We want to downsize but we are worried that the cash will affect our aged pension .payments.Career • I hate my job but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get another one. How long until I can retire?• I want to take my career break but not sure I can afford it.• I want to take time off to go back to study, but not sure I can afford it.• I plan to retire soon am I going to have enough money?• I would like to partially retire, but I’m not sure I can afford to.• When can I retire?• I’ve been offered a great job, but I will have to take a pay cut (at least for a while). Can I afford to take the job?• We are looking at a move overseas for work; need to get our finances in order.• When will I have enough income from my investments that I don’t have to work?• Can I retire early and still have enough money to live on?Investing• I have received an inheritance/ windfall and need help working out what to do with it.• I want to start a self-managed super fund.• I’d like a share portfolio but don’t know where to start.• We have a self-managed super fund but are looking at moving overseas. Need help deciding what to do.• I’ve been given some shares, and don’t quite know what to do with them.Protecting what we’ve got • I seem to pay an awful lot for insurance; can you review what I’ve got?• I have a will but I think it might need updating.• Now that we have a family, we need to get our wills in order.• I’ve recently separated, need to redo wills, super and everything else.In addition, here are some other areascertified financial advisor and financial planners may be able to help you with:Goals, values and desires: We empower you to understand and express what you want out of life, visualising and documenting goals, values and desires putting a level of importance and urgency around them – critically- aligning these to your budget.Debt plan: We coach you through how much your debt is costing you, the differences between good and bad debt, implement a better debt plan to secure financial freedom and reduce financial burden quicker.Personal Family Protection Plan: We’ve walked a mile in your shoes. Kids, debt, education, the challenges of getting ahead. Making sure you have a sound family protection plan ensures your income, lifestyle and family are number one and your dreams never waiver.Super is super: “Superannuation” is an ugly word. But super is super! Do you have any idea how it’s being invested? We dispel the myths and help you understand how you can fund your retirement.Get a bloody will… Got a house? Got kids? Get a bloody will. Sounds simple – but if you have young kids, and family overseas or interstate – you need to consider who will be their guardians if anything happens.
